a commercial level, much of the web is fair game to get public
attention. YouTube created the audiovisual library online to allow the entire planet equal footing to promote, share, learn and grow as a community with an open-door policy to unlimited audiences. It's also a great place to showcase and audition your talents
under little or no budget. RULES and the LACK THEREOF...
On a creative level, YouTube has bred an endless number of future Hollywood producers working straight out of their parents' garages or college dorms. Under a credit-card budget, an understanding of production software, tons of downloadable resources and friends and relatives for casting-- you too can be the next blockbuster sensation straight out of YouTube.
Editor magazine stated once "YouTube is the home for the clever, the quick and the insane". It is also the platform by which writers, filmmakers and actors of all levels of profession are marketed to a modern audience seeking new faces and new content and a better source for entertainment than what cable television has spoon-fed us all our lives. This community has a short attention span tolerant only of quick bursts of information at their convenience. Where mama's TV trained us to hour and half-hour programming, YouTube puts the audience in the drivers seat with the complete power to choose UNLIMITED in every way.
It's a new day in film making and intellectual property history when lawyers of George Lucas are completely baffled about the massive trend of unofficial license 'borrowing' under the form of TRIBUTES, PARODIES and HACKS. Where YouTube once locked down your videos and your entire channel for using copywritten songs as a background to your baby videos, almost-Hollywood producers are taking liberties with movie materials to promote their agenda.
Brilliantly crafted, YouTube celebrity producers have earned their creds online through the use of familiar characters, music and film elements. One 20-million+ example are THE PIANO GUYS. True world-class musicians performing a Star Wars Parody while completely re-producing the entire Lucas look, feel and characters down to the finest detail. You may ask "did they ask Lucasfilm for permission... or did the rules change?" Have the legal sharks finally given up on YouTubers because of the unstoppable flood of pirates and content "libertarians" or are we to expect some judiciary hearing to end this artistic licensing?
There are different (and few) rules of engagement, near-zero restrictions and even questionable copyright monitoring. A great example are the many FAN-MADE MOVIES that impressively counterfeit popular movie plots and elements. Among them are the endless YouTube Star Wars movies that George Lucas probably never approved:
- Star Wars - Versus: The Way to Shadow
- Dark Resurrection vol.1
- Star Wars - The Old Republic
- Star Wars: Threads of Destiny
Because YouTube is FREE to post (or publish, podcast etc), it allows just about anyone to become a producer. From the rank amateur to the high end pro. The FREE-dom also allows for unbridled creativity whereas the real investment goes into coming up with strong, original concepts and quality work.