"Face-time" is a marketing slang describing personal participation in a business event, a seminar or any public congregation. Compare all the communication mediums available today and face-to-face remains the most effective way to connect, engage, capture and motivate your audience. To earn (and maintain) public confidence as a trustworthy and honorable professional means representing yourself through connective delivery methods that convey sincerity and genuine commitment.
THE DIGITAL AGE brings us person-to-person 2.0. It is the modern advancement that allows us to pursue the mass distribution of your face-time on an electronic level. The recorded version of your personal essence (voice, appearance, body language, professional speech) can now be accessible 24-7 at lightning speeds under the delivery method by sites like YOUTUBE, VIMEO, DAILYMOTION, METCAFE, TED, VIDDLER and many others. It is this recent explosion of free broadcasting or "podcasting" that makes getting to know any health practitioner that much more convenient - and referrals more streamlined.
The doctor–patient relationship is said to be one of the most vital elements of any healthcare practice. The public aligns a trustworthy and compassionate presence (and appearance) with a practitioner's ethical conduct and is a direct reflection on his or her performance. The value behind "the bedside manner" drives the patient's complete comfort level and the overall trusting relationship. It is also the main component behind patient recommendation, what marketers often emulate from testimonials.
Placing a professional in front of a camera leaves very little to question. Unless the doctor happens to be a professional actor, the lens (and the mic) exposes one's complete character, their values and their sincerity. Talking on camera can also uncover their hidden passions and personality flaws that may evoke negative vibes from the viewer. Whereas a truly caring, kind and genuine doctor speaking about their specialized study will completely expose their best intentions, VIDEO brings the bedside manner to the viewer as a way of earning public trust.
Richard Nixon lost the 1960 election to John F. Kennedy because may claim that he had a 5 o'clock shadow that made him appear slovenly and untrustworthy. Many have said that he would have made the favorable choice if not for the impact of visual misrepresentation.
Not much has changed in the discerning eye of the American viewer. Video makes it easy to deliver just about anything to the public audience. It exposes any speaker to public scrutiny while carrying the power of a most influential marketing tool if produced correctly. To ensure favorable results require presenting yourself professionally and with professional guidance and equipment.
Today's video begs for SHARE-WORTHY content. The basis of the internet community is fast access INFORMATION, free EDUCATION and social COMMUNICATION. The medical society recognizes video as an avenue by which scientific and editorial presentations can be delivered to the masses efficiently as a form of EDUCATIONAL MARKETING. The audio-visual one-two punch of video to deliver both vocal delivery and visual imaging in an animated (and engaging) medium far exceeds any textbook, magazine or letter in the mail. And capitalizing on the YouTube generation (which is all of us makes searching and finding you as easy as sharing you with others.
- instructional: how the procedure works
- "the digital sales rep"
- frequently asked questions
- "before and after"
- testimonials from patients
- benefits and expected results
- office tour / staff introductions
- modalities (treatment variations)
- infomercial presentation- intro to the practice
- practitioner spokesperson- a HELLO video
- does it work? (editorial angle- part testimonial, part
- mailers (custom direct marketing)
- website embed (one time effort)
- social media embed
- video news release
- blog sends
- vlog (video blog- recurring shows on your channel-
boost subscribers)
The free-access of YouTube and the affordable price range of today's digital equipment makes it easy for anyone to produce a YouTube video. This results in a rampant publishing of video marketing materials ranging in quality and performance. For any healthcare
professional, publishing a sub-par or amateur video is a detriment to your public presence and will directly associate the unprofessional visuals with your practice. Bad lighting, unprofessional sound, a shaky consumer grade camera and other DYI methods will do more harm to your profession than the money you save from hiring a pro. Treat your profession seriously; directors of photography exist for a very good reason- and preserving the integrity of your public image is one of them.
Today's discerning audience WILL KNOW THE DIFFERENCE AND JUDGE

YouTube is the singlemost powerful educational search engine for finding out how anything works. Hundreds of thousands of How-To videos are uploaded daily for your free access. Learn how other YT sensations climbed the top of the game with tens of thousands of subscribers and monetizing power to show for it.
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Monday, October 20, 2014
a commercial level, much of the web is fair game to get public
attention. YouTube created the audiovisual library online to allow the entire planet equal footing to promote, share, learn and grow as a community with an open-door policy to unlimited audiences. It's also a great place to showcase and audition your talents
under little or no budget. RULES and the LACK THEREOF...
On a creative level, YouTube has bred an endless number of future Hollywood producers working straight out of their parents' garages or college dorms. Under a credit-card budget, an understanding of production software, tons of downloadable resources and friends and relatives for casting-- you too can be the next blockbuster sensation straight out of YouTube.
Editor magazine stated once "YouTube is the home for the clever, the quick and the insane". It is also the platform by which writers, filmmakers and actors of all levels of profession are marketed to a modern audience seeking new faces and new content and a better source for entertainment than what cable television has spoon-fed us all our lives. This community has a short attention span tolerant only of quick bursts of information at their convenience. Where mama's TV trained us to hour and half-hour programming, YouTube puts the audience in the drivers seat with the complete power to choose UNLIMITED in every way.
It's a new day in film making and intellectual property history when lawyers of George Lucas are completely baffled about the massive trend of unofficial license 'borrowing' under the form of TRIBUTES, PARODIES and HACKS. Where YouTube once locked down your videos and your entire channel for using copywritten songs as a background to your baby videos, almost-Hollywood producers are taking liberties with movie materials to promote their agenda.
Brilliantly crafted, YouTube celebrity producers have earned their creds online through the use of familiar characters, music and film elements. One 20-million+ example are THE PIANO GUYS. True world-class musicians performing a Star Wars Parody while completely re-producing the entire Lucas look, feel and characters down to the finest detail. You may ask "did they ask Lucasfilm for permission... or did the rules change?" Have the legal sharks finally given up on YouTubers because of the unstoppable flood of pirates and content "libertarians" or are we to expect some judiciary hearing to end this artistic licensing?
There are different (and few) rules of engagement, near-zero restrictions and even questionable copyright monitoring. A great example are the many FAN-MADE MOVIES that impressively counterfeit popular movie plots and elements. Among them are the endless YouTube Star Wars movies that George Lucas probably never approved:
- Star Wars - Versus: The Way to Shadow
- Dark Resurrection vol.1
- Star Wars - The Old Republic
- Star Wars: Threads of Destiny
Because YouTube is FREE to post (or publish, podcast etc), it allows just about anyone to become a producer. From the rank amateur to the high end pro. The FREE-dom also allows for unbridled creativity whereas the real investment goes into coming up with strong, original concepts and quality work.
Since the launch of PBS some 40+ years ago to cable's more recent educational powerhouses like NOVA, TLC, The History Channel (among many others), media and its community of advertisers are more than aware of the gold mine in multimedia teaching.
If modern video has evolved with its audience, so has its content and its presenters. Today's star producers of modern education have replaced the puritanical and pedantic snore-worthy teaching approach with brilliant, topical and quick-witted characters who are (themselves) ambassadors of the web community of quick learners and short attention spans. They know their audience and they're aware of what it takes to earn every one of them.
all the reasons why YouTube is the internet's educational library, many
have chosen to re-invent their public image creatively by hybridizing
genres- like Entertaining Educational videos (see samples below) to
bring new light and style to public awareness. Combining styles is
fairly common and is much a trend in "YouTubing"; by fusing only the
best facets of multiple genres and styles makes for brand new innovation
to break out of the stale formats of broadcast- capturing the podcast
community by their new storms. Out of this concept, celebrities are
born and audiences are generated in droves under what we call "the
people's channel".
2) The SnapChick: "SEXY TEACHER AWARD" - Pro
photographer Brittany Leigh is as beautiful as she is knowledgeable and
successful in the world of commercial photography. Above all, her
somewhat twisted sense of humor and her understanding of the YouTube
audience brings her over 400,000 hits on most of her videos for a spin
on editorial-style commentaries about products and process. Knowing
that her audience regards visuals above all else, the SnapChick
challenges the no-censorship policy of YouTube by turning up the heat on
such a cold and dry topic as photography with her sexy-humor style of
teaching- including high-ranking bloopers (staged) that you know are
silly but you can't help but "like" anyway.
of these producers are well underway celebrity status in mainstream media. They are
regarded for their enjoyable content, their amusing performance and pro-quality output. YouTube allows them the
stage to build a name and a market for peripheral business (ie. selling books, instructional videos, promotional speaking
engagements, tv appearances, newspaper/magazine feature interviews and
more.) Some heavy hitters have moved into the broadcast world and
beyond, while others prefer to stay on
the web continuing to monetize their videos and driving viewers to their
respective websites. Either way, YouTube is a self-promoting dream for
many of
us who have taken the reigns through self-producers, self-publicists or product launchers.
Since the launch of PBS some 40+ years ago to cable's more recent educational powerhouses like NOVA, TLC, The History Channel (among many others), media and its community of advertisers are more than aware of the gold mine in multimedia teaching.
If modern video has evolved with its audience, so has its content and its presenters. Today's star producers of modern education have replaced the puritanical and pedantic snore-worthy teaching approach with brilliant, topical and quick-witted characters who are (themselves) ambassadors of the web community of quick learners and short attention spans. They know their audience and they're aware of what it takes to earn every one of them.

online is about being remembered and being shared. Be weird. Be
different. Be shameless (if you feel that works). But whatever you do-
don't be boring! Samples of high-ranking educational video channels
and candidates of our OSSUMVID AWARDS 2014
1) FroKnowsFoto: "BEST MEMORABLE PERSONALITY AWARD" - Learning can be light and fun, depending on who's teaching. Veteran shooter Jared Polin is one of the web's most trusted resources for what to buy and how to use them in terms of DSLR equipment. Jared keeps things interesting with simple low-tech presentation techniques under a weekly or bi-weekly subscriber-driven show. With a brand like FRO KNOWS FOTO (touting that apparent ever-expanding "doo") and his all-around sparkling personality, Jared is one of my favorite influences and how2 teachers online.
1) FroKnowsFoto: "BEST MEMORABLE PERSONALITY AWARD" - Learning can be light and fun, depending on who's teaching. Veteran shooter Jared Polin is one of the web's most trusted resources for what to buy and how to use them in terms of DSLR equipment. Jared keeps things interesting with simple low-tech presentation techniques under a weekly or bi-weekly subscriber-driven show. With a brand like FRO KNOWS FOTO (touting that apparent ever-expanding "doo") and his all-around sparkling personality, Jared is one of my favorite influences and how2 teachers online.
Saturday, October 18, 2014
a commercial level, the web is fair game to getting public attention. It's a
great place to showcase and audition your talents under little or no
budget. There is little policing, zero budget restrictions and even
questionable copyright monitoring. A great example are the many
FAN-MADE MOVIES that impressively counterfeit popular movie plots and
Among them are the endless YouTube Star Wars movies that George Lucas probably never approved:
- Star Wars - Versus: The Way to Shadow
- Dark Resurrection vol.1
- Star Wars - The Old Republic
- Star Wars: Threads of Destiny
Because YouTube is FREE to post (or publish, podcast etc), the real investment goes into coming up with original concepts and execution and producing convincing quality work to earn HITS (and steady subscribers). The good news is that you are in the exact point in time where you have many references to model after- and even more how-to's (like this one) teaching you exactly how to make it... many of these instructionals are found directly in YouTube.
Among them are the endless YouTube Star Wars movies that George Lucas probably never approved:
- Star Wars - Versus: The Way to Shadow
- Dark Resurrection vol.1
- Star Wars - The Old Republic
- Star Wars: Threads of Destiny
Because YouTube is FREE to post (or publish, podcast etc), the real investment goes into coming up with original concepts and execution and producing convincing quality work to earn HITS (and steady subscribers). The good news is that you are in the exact point in time where you have many references to model after- and even more how-to's (like this one) teaching you exactly how to make it... many of these instructionals are found directly in YouTube.
1. BE INTERESTING: Raise eyebrows! At the very least, your videos must have good topics and enjoyable content. Audience enjoyment ranges from humor, stunning visuals, exciting action, educational or just downright FUN!
2. HAVE A SHOW WITH A REAL AUDIENCE BASE (also known as a SUBSCRIBERS): To market anything means to know your target audience- and to get some idea of the demographics (who they are and what they want)
4. BE ENTERTAINING: By now, the YouTube community has just about anything and everything as far as information, where your shot at being noticed means competing for their attention. Even the driest topics can be presented in an engaging manner to keep them wanting more. To be entertaining could mean humor, style, graphics/visuals, great cuts or just simply- FUN.
5. NEVER BE SALESY: The last thing you want to do in your channel is to look like a commercial. People tune out of this. To promote your business, you must must must come up with innovative ways NOT to look like a TV commercial. The YouTube community has even less tolerance for solicitation. If you are publishing a commercial, try to keep it fun!
6. COVER THE PROPER TECHNOLOGY BASES (Sound, Picture quality and good edits): By now, the DSLR community has exploded where high school and college students are producing A+ quality productions and are gathering millions of hits for their creative work. Channels that get real subscribers contain videos that truly cover the essentials for quality video. (TBD)
Building a channel can truly work if you have time (or $$)- but
if you believe in a plan, go for it. If not, you can use the limited
videos you have to post in your blogs, newsletters etc.
PART 2: What Goes into a DIY (Do It Yourself) Home Studio
PART 3: Anatomy of a YouTube Video
PART 4: How2 Customize your YouTube Channel
PART 5: How to Market your YouTube Channel
PART 2: What Goes into a DIY (Do It Yourself) Home Studio
PART 3: Anatomy of a YouTube Video
PART 4: How2 Customize your YouTube Channel
PART 5: How to Market your YouTube Channel
To create your own home studio for YouTube purposes is both fun and economical- if you know what to shop for. The following is a simplified breakdown of a PRO-SUMER menu to get you started on the world of home-studio productions. PLEASE note that this list is not top professional or commercial grade and will never replace broadcast quality production equipment - but for the purposes of YouTube publishing, the recommended solutions can bring amazing results and will more than suit your needs.
Shopping plan: CHEAP'N GOOD. Don't go Broke building your studio. There are so many options online to save $$ on consumer and pro-sumer level hardware that does just fine for YouTube's non-broadcast resolution publishing. Have a budget in mind and try not to go beyond it. Shopping for gear is an endless black hole for your wallet so be warned!
1. Camera
2. Tripod
3. Lights
4. Audio
5. Editing Equipment
TYPES OF VIDEO CAMS YOU CAN BUY (affordable). Know that there's video cameras and there's DSLR's. 2 different animals. Though both seem to carry much of each others' capabilities these days,

3) Pro-sumer Video Camera (3000 range) If you really want features, buttons and higher fexibility, a true VIDEO CAMERA is for you. For purposes of a starter, you won't need this but it's good to see what's next as far as upgrades!
2) LIGHTING KIT: you have many choices online between tungsten and LED solutions- from soft-boxes to photo umbrella stands. Unlike film, digital photography is much more forgiving and flexible when it comes to light sources.

Another alternative to softboxes are portable flatware LED panels. Their brightness can be controlled and they often come with barn doors to shape the illumination.
Remember, without light, you have no image. Good lighting is crucial- but NOT EXPENSIVE.


FLUID-HEAD PRO TRIPOD: If you wish to explore higher end tripods for panning, tilting or camera motion, look for fluid-heads and semi-pro's (est $100-140).

This is where the real engineering craft comes in. Once you've shot your footage, you'll need software to cut and mix the images in order to produce a sequential story. There are many editing softwares available that are quite user-friendly to the consumer market- most of them are under $100. The best part about software is that all editing how-to's are available in YouTube.
See our list for the top editing softwares and their reviews.
By now, everyone is aware of the power of YouTube as a marketing platform- as
the #2 search product in the world next to Google. This makes being a creative self-promoter a
dream to build your name, your business or your idea.
So many video channels are out there getting hundreds of
thousands of hits- even millions! They range from ENTERTAINING to EDUCATIONAL - or both. But what makes them tick is their ability to stay above the INNOVATION curve.
The competition for earning credibility and respect is fierce. To win an audience and to retain them can be a harsh, uphill climb for the battle to earn HITS (and steady subscribers). The good news is that you are in the exact point in time where you have many references (on the right side of the YouTube display) to model after- and even more how-to's (like this one) teaching you exactly how to make it.
2. HAVE A SHOW WITH A REAL AUDIENCE BASE (also known as a SUBSCRIBERS): To market anything means to know your target audience- and to get some idea of the demographics (who they are and what they want)
3. PRESENT WELL : Videos are all about presentation. Have a good spokesperson or voice-over is a good thing to have. Graphics help a lot also. But overall, you need to keep the audience engaged.
4. BE ENTERTAINING: By now, the YouTube community has just about anything and everything as far as information, where your shot at being noticed means competing for their attention. Even the driest topics can be presented in an engaging manner to keep them wanting more. To be entertaining could mean humor, style, graphics/visuals, great cuts or just simply- FUN.
3. PRESENT WELL : Videos are all about presentation. Have a good spokesperson or voice-over is a good thing to have. Graphics help a lot also. But overall, you need to keep the audience engaged.
5. KEEP IT ENJOYABLE: The last thing you want to do in your channel is to look like a commercial. People tune out of this. But if you are going to do a commercial, try to keep it fun!
6. COVER THE PROPER TECHNOLOGY BASES (Sound, Picture quality and good edits): By now, the DSLR community has exploded where high school and college students are producing A+ quality productions and are gathering millions of hits for their creative work. Channels that get real subscribers contain videos that truly cover the essentials for quality video. (see: blog on DIY HD-STUDIO)
Building a channel can truly work if you have time (or $$)- but
if you believe in a plan, go for it. If not, you can use the limited
videos you have to post in your blogs, newsletters etc.
Copyright © 2014- imworx.com. This blog is written by a collaborative effort by: Lennard M. Gettz, Carmen Regallo-Dewitt, Gerard Chen and George Gavillan Jr. Additional content is provided by: Robert Pastorelli & Dina Pastorelli of northshorepromoter.com.
PART 2: What Goes into a DIY (Do It Yourself) Home Studio
PART 3: Anatomy of a YouTube Video
PART 4: How2 Customize your YouTube Channel
PART 5: How to Market your YouTube Channel
Copyright © 2014- imworx.com. This blog is written by a collaborative effort by: Lennard M. Gettz, Carmen Regallo-Dewitt, Gerard Chen and George Gavillan Jr. Additional content is provided by: Robert Pastorelli & Dina Pastorelli of northshorepromoter.com.
PART 2: What Goes into a DIY (Do It Yourself) Home Studio
PART 3: Anatomy of a YouTube Video
PART 4: How2 Customize your YouTube Channel
PART 5: How to Market your YouTube Channel
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