Thursday, January 22, 2015


"Face-time" is a marketing slang describing personal participation in a business event, a seminar or any public congregation.  Compare all the communication mediums available today and face-to-face remains the most effective way to connect, engage, capture and motivate your audience.  To earn (and maintain) public confidence as a trustworthy and honorable professional means representing yourself through connective delivery methods that convey sincerity and genuine commitment.

THE DIGITAL AGE brings us person-to-person 2.0.  It is the modern advancement that allows us to pursue the mass distribution of your face-time on an electronic level.  The recorded version of your personal essence (voice, appearance, body language, professional speech) can now be accessible 24-7 at lightning speeds under the delivery method by sites like YOUTUBE, VIMEO, DAILYMOTION, METCAFE, TED, VIDDLER and many others. It is this recent explosion of free broadcasting or "podcasting" that makes getting to know any health practitioner that much more convenient - and referrals more streamlined.

The doctor–patient relationship is said to be one of the most vital elements of any healthcare practice.  The public aligns a trustworthy and compassionate presence (and appearance) with a practitioner's ethical conduct and is a direct reflection on his or her performance.  The value behind "the bedside manner" drives the patient's complete comfort level and the overall trusting relationship.  It is also the main component behind patient recommendation, what marketers often emulate from testimonials.

 Placing a professional in front of a camera leaves very little to question.  Unless the doctor happens to be a professional actor, the lens (and the mic) exposes one's complete character, their values and their sincerity.  Talking on camera can also uncover their hidden passions and personality flaws that may evoke negative vibes from the viewer.  Whereas a truly caring, kind and genuine doctor speaking about their specialized study will completely expose their best intentions, VIDEO brings the bedside manner to the viewer as a way of earning public trust.

Richard Nixon lost the 1960 election to John F. Kennedy because may claim that he had a 5 o'clock shadow that made him appear slovenly and untrustworthy.   Many have said that he would have made the favorable choice if not for the impact of visual misrepresentation.

Not much has changed in the discerning eye of the American viewer.  Video makes it easy to deliver just about anything to the public audience. It exposes any speaker to public scrutiny while carrying the power of a most influential marketing tool if produced correctly.  To ensure favorable results require presenting yourself professionally and with professional guidance and equipment.

Today's video begs for SHARE-WORTHY content.  The basis of the internet community is fast access INFORMATION, free EDUCATION and social COMMUNICATION.  The medical society recognizes video as an avenue by which scientific and editorial presentations can be delivered to the masses efficiently as a form of EDUCATIONAL MARKETING.  The audio-visual one-two punch of video to deliver both vocal delivery and visual imaging in an animated (and engaging) medium far exceeds any textbook, magazine or letter in the mail.  And capitalizing on the YouTube generation (which is all of us makes searching and finding you as easy as sharing you with others.


 - instructional: how the procedure works

- "the digital sales rep"
- frequently asked questions
- "before and after"
- testimonials from patients
- benefits and expected results
- office tour / staff introductions
- modalities (treatment variations)
- infomercial presentation- intro to the practice
- practitioner spokesperson- a HELLO video
- does it work? (editorial angle- part testimonial, part proof)

 - mailers (custom direct marketing)
- website embed (one time effort)
- social media embed
- video news release
- blog sends
- vlog (video blog- recurring shows on your channel- boost subscribers)

The free-access of YouTube and the affordable price range of today's digital equipment makes it easy for anyone to produce a YouTube video. This results in a rampant publishing of video marketing materials ranging in quality and performance. For any healthcare professional, publishing a sub-par or amateur video is a detriment to your public presence and will directly associate the unprofessional visuals with your practice.  Bad lighting, unprofessional sound, a shaky consumer grade camera and other DYI methods will do more harm to your profession than the money you save from hiring a pro.  Treat your profession seriously; directors of photography exist for a very good reason- and preserving the integrity of your public image is one of them. 


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